24 year old dating 17 year old

Dating > 24 year old dating 17 year old

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The answer is for educational purposes only. Here is link to the Colorado Legislature's own version of the laws which is easy to understand. My best friend is 17, we have a 23 year old friend who my best con really gets on with. Yahoo ist jetzt Teil der. For the purposes of this subsection 1. Wenn Sie unseren Partnern gestatten, Cookies zu nutzen, um ähnliche Daten zu erfassen wie wir auf unseren Seiten, können diese auf unseren Seiten Werbung anbieten, die Ihren Interessen entspricht z.

As i stated I am 17 and the guy i am dating is 24. I know an age difference like this is sometimes frowned upon but is it illegal? We have not yet had a sexual relationship, we have only kissed, held hands and cuddled together. From Colorado laws I have read it seems that the age of consent is 17 meaning we could have a sexual relationship if we choose and it would be legal making any relationship we have legal as well. Am I reading the law correct or am I reading it wrong making our relationship illegal? I know my parents are not the most supportive of me having a relationship with a 24 year old guy You should be okay in this relationship, but here is the operative statute: 18-3-404. For the purposes of this subsection 1. More It is not illegal unless the man is in a position of trust. A 17 year old cannot consent when the other party is in a position of trust like a coach, teacher, priest, law enforcement, etc. Here is link to the Colorado Legislature's own version of the laws which is easy to understand. The answer is for educational purposes only. You should consult an attorney for your circumstances.

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